v9499 devlog jam,jam and SAGE

  1. gmtk48
  2. [9:46 AM]

  1. a post i liked suddenly went from 40 likes to 8000
  2. [11:43 PM]wow

i have devlopoved a trend of playing music in 1.5-3x speed to wake my brain up

lost my wallet when went home (edited) 1 [4:44 PM] phone no battery 

[4:44 PM] almsot cant even go home 

[4:45 PM] this funny cup now worth 4k 

[4:46 PM] return home tired as hell,back hurt leg hurt,more tired than go work

[4:46 PM] have been keeping wallet safe and zipped in pocket then forgot seal zip on pocket when almost home

someone found the wallet and send it to police station 🙏 guess my luck isnt that bad after all

thank you very much big boushi no onee chan 🙇



  1. kinda want to make a war simulator where, 
  2.  a teenage who worships glory of war,goes through harsh training 
  3.  spend 90% of the game digging trench to prepare for war 
  4.  and when it begins,dies in 5 seconds from random artilierry (edited)

  1. theres like 5 million variables and i dont want to fill the entire screen with UI Image 
  2. guess i will have to amek something that allows me to reuse the same GUI object

  1. this UI stuff is so annyoing i am considering just dumping everything on the top left debug stats
  2. [7:19 PM]you know what lets do it

time to game jam while edf6 ing


rating: recycled garbage close job

  1. i went from eh whatever game to kinda liked it but went to eh again because the bullet flashes too much for certian builds
  2. [3:57 AM]not playtesting before jam end moment


next jam:solo dev jam


var centerX = x - sprite_get_xoffset(sprite_index) + sprite_width / 2; var centerY = y - sprite_get_yoffset( sprite_index) + sprite_height / 2;



angry pinball that breaks all level design...

imaginary_traveller: rather than figuring out how to play the track at the right position 

imaginary_traveller: isnt it faster to cut the theme into 2 halves and play it seperately

############################################################################################ ERROR in action number 1 of Step Event0 for object obj_music: Push :: Execution Error - Variable Index [9] out of range [3] - -6.music(104165,9) at gml_Object_obj_music_Step_0 (line 11) - music_playing = music[music_target]; ############################################################################################ gml_Object_obj_music_Step_0 (line 11) nanai

0030 edf to 0130 


still have 1.5 hour

 should be enough 


  1. also eat lunch

music system exploding now on gxc web build


  1. unfinished as usual
  2. also fatal error gg


the nation of equality 

you can tell how it goes when equality is chased to the extreme 

defintely sounds like sth in kino's adventure

suguri+acura shmup?

yepperz,sage trailer accepted

time to spend hours thinking about how to accuraetly express my thoughts agian


storm 1 

make the enemy get knocked away if the touch wall of DOOM

guess my coffee will be staying on the talbe unfinsihed to night

war factory...

oh well the coffee went bad



random thoughts in chinese

Left(1):It's totally a game.

Right(10): Totally art stuff.


First, let me explain my definition of a game,

A game is an experience for the player

Vampire Survivor allows the player to experience the thrill of mowing the lawn and the thrill of rising numbers.

Loneliness well, letting the player experience loneliness.

So what's the difference between them?

Probably the theme.

In order to express a theme, art-like games can sacrifice many things, including gameplay. 

Take Death Stranding for example.

It's a delivery simulator.

But it has a clear theme that Hideo Kojima wants to talk about, the connection between people (I'm assuming).Whether the   child birth simulator(?) is fun or not depends on the player.

IT - 09/02/2024 1:43 AM

But the game mechanics are closely related to the theme

As for myself, I'm not on Hideo Kojima's airwaves.

So my subjective opinion of the game is average.

The game keeps talking about the beauty and importance of mutual support between people (in my opinion), but I already knew that before I played the game, so it's a bit ......

do you actually need that much fx? no idea [2:14 AM] will i get to use them actually? no idea [2:14 AM] buy first think later


a game about gamedevelopment made by the in-game character in game who banters about the game with another in-game character

gonna send game for steam approval review

 because i heard they take long time

opps accidnely delted the steam SDK and now my game wont ubild

452 tabs left...

everyday i question if my ears went blind or not

  1. i wanna do cool abyss lotus strikes too not that i can read any of this
  2. [7:20 PM]seems like its setting a path for the laser to go to point A first then go to target


 i find the bacannon music i need

new no wallet ga hoshi desu

more audiostock

  1. valos
  2.  great ready to gather data for next commision 
  3. also gotta finish autostick today i guess i can download all the tracks first
  4. [9:15 AM]funny numbers time

water s hader for jam game?

i love this bot

  1. reawaken (edited)
  2. [5:42 AM]https://x.com/VF_traveller/status/1833705920758682060/photo/1
  1. the body is refusing work the only thing i can do is push

  1. draft 

1.resolution size 

2.how many poses 

2.1 emotions per poses 

3.character/world bio 

4.provide refencer 

4.1 provide reference(old artist)

feeling extra bad and dont feel like doing anything again time to take in some tic tac

  1. Dear Torikara sensei, I am looking for someone to draw character sprites for part of my game(visual novel) today. It would take me quite some time to write the details. so i wish to get a reference for the price first. reference.zip I am looking to have around at least 3 different poses,with 3 emotions for each of the poses to be drawn.
  2. [5:53 AM]I would love to get a reference of how much it would cost,and,if possible

here comes god

  1. Failure: Your build has failed our review because it contains a call to action to purchase products from a non-Steam website. The credits include multiple links to itch.io webpages. Following these links brings the user to a website where they purchase games directly.
  2.  During gameplay, the character CCI also mentions itch.io. 
  3.  xgasoft.itch.io/vngen synthetic-pixel-games.itch.io/easy-image-trail-after-image-effect foxyofjungle.itch.io edermunizz.itch.io shiroze.itch.io omniclause.itch.io/spikes overcrafted.itch.io/platformer-cyberpunk-character-set
  4. If your app has a call to action to buy products, the link provided must use Steam and Steam Wallet as the only means of payment.

  1. [6:25 AM]here comes god2
  2. [6:26 AM]Hi Imaginary Traveller! Keep your 83day Japense streak going! <hello@duolingo.com>
  1. to be done:
  2.  current game
  3.  do around 10 more level then call done(not sure),finish story(a lot),find peopel do game CG,also wait artist finish new sprites,redeisgn character and also new sprites)
  1. [6:27 AM]to do now:
  2.  finish sologamedev jam game
  3.  play more solodev jam game 
  4. initialize side character design
  5.  finish the VN sprite commission,also make tech demo for torikara sensei steam review,fix steam build
  6.  MF 
  7. the endless amount of music that needs to be heard (edited)
  8. superfriends playtest,also go paly some SAGE games too (edited)

  1. [6:28 AM]gg game dev life over

  1. <Hello. Thank you for your message. Sorry for the delay in responding..! I have read the materials you provided. Below is a rough reference.>
  2. [7:23 AM]time to blow up my bank account
  3. [7:23 AM]today's condition is extra bad,cant focus at all,must be because of the messed up sleeping times coffee2 open
  4. [7:23 AM]thank fror sama for updating databases

i have 0 ideas what expressions i need 

 just liek before

  1. personality personality personality
  2. [9:08 AM]remove 2,keep 1 again
  3. and now i realize i gotta do this process for the old characters too fml

 iboth actions in trolley problem saves life, if life is equal then there is no wrong option so just pick whatever you like

  1. what is the nervous expression supposed to be for...

TIL u can do shaders on text


RGB text here we go

ship i messed up the demo build agian last update


  1. remind me next april fools to make a statment of if i dont finish my "ideal" game before 2046/07/12 then i will commit die to reutrn the good of society
  2. [2:43 AM]时间介词“seit”描述的是一个时间段,表示从过去开始而且尚未结束
  3. [2:43 AM]sei means life

seas in the skies

to do now:

 finish sologamedev jam game 

play more solodev jam game

 initialize side character design 1 and 2 

steam review( i submitted for steam to review the game some timer earlier)



  1. TIL igdb can also be used as press kit
  2. [6:23 PM]ok then
  1. no,any time before 07/12/2046
  2. [6:36 PM]also me:impatient man that wants it do be done in 3 hours
  3. [6:37 PM]very gomen sensei your client is such a troublesome kid

i need to clean up VN sprites that wont be used at all to

igdb friends,please forgive me for dumping random stuff on the site...

  1. coffee in translation protocols go
  2. [12:35 PM]perfect drawing...(@tinzing sensei)
  1. [6:28 AM]人物的表情,超級棒 
  2. [6:28 AM]水墨雨背景,超級棒
  3. [6:31 AM]表情的對比,超級棒 
  4. [6:32 AM]人物很可愛,超級棒
  5. [6:34 AM]黑色對白色,超級棒

13000 chinese words

 i guess i finished 33% today?

the earlier i finish it the earlier people can enjoy quality translation

also trying this thing out

  1. i think i shouldnt order from this restaurant anymore the sauce is nice but my stomach keep having problem digesting the meat 
  2.  — Today at 7:23 AM either way i paused the meal and now there is still a lunch box with 3/4 of rice alive in front of me 
  3. translate stuff,day 2

 chop chop 

  1. [6:44 PM]as usual translating chienses into english is rough

i am gonna explode


  1. the sky or the skies...
  1. 09/22/2024 12:41 PM

    i am done just need sec check and third check

day 1:6.5 hours

day 2:5 hours (edited)

day 3:7.5 hours

day 4:whatever

is this how the corruption of power feels

  1. 09/23/2024 10:36 AM

    second check complete
  2. [10:36 AM]intiliaze quick read third check (edited)

mah work of gold :tm:

its jover

i am done

If you like our service, please rate us 5 stars here!

We also provide music recommendation and game testing services, please feel free to inquire!

new descirption: Its' a game about game-dev made by the in-game character in game who banters about the game with another in-game character,while you also play the game the in-game character made! inbe4 i actually use it for the store descirption

  1. i forgot to eat icecream again

    September 25, 2024

<<ayry,i am writing an article of my game for IGN,what should the title be?>>

add muzzle flash to guns 

add shock waves to guns

 add gun casing to guns

423 tabs left...

i can see the true ending of my final game now

why not

  1. 360 tabs left...

  2. refactor/setup easy font change stuff incase of need

  3. https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/steam_controller/getting_started_for_devs#6

  1. i cant read english
  2. [11:56 AM]https://partner.steamgames.com/doc/features/remoteplay
  3. [11:56 AM]the game should really be palyed with a mouse anyway
  4. [11:59 AM]new instant store page editor so nice

Game Build Your app build is in the review queue. This review typically takes 3-5 days, but please allow up to 7 business days in case feedback needs to be addressed. No further action is required until the review is complete. You may still upload updated builds at any time. You can view and respond to feedback on the Steamworks Support site here.


Good day, I would like to change the release date of my game to 27/12/2024. Thank you very much.


massive pain but finished updating the steam store page in lanagues

  1. De wae may be De wae, but it is not De wae. A name can be a name, but not a name. De name cannot be named,over emphasis on De name, then suffer from the KPI debuff (edited)

315 tabs left...

  1. is this also game dev?
  2. [9:15 AM]are you happy?
  3. [9:15 AM]become happy

  1. tariler true 3
  2. [5:54 AM]"my blood is boiling red like the sun in the peak of the day

 if you focus on square you forget the cube 

if you focus on the cube you forget the square

the now you can say its a square and a cube

then deny this 1 you have seen and return to 0

nows its a bunch of lines

then deny it again

now there is black and there is white

then deny it again and keep looking at it in new ways...

keep going back to 0

and keep creating a new 1

1 is 0,0 is 1 

1 is all,all is 1

  1. [5:54 AM]new bug: player hitbox vanish when touch goal flag fire work doesnt spawn because it cant detect P_hitbox i love bugs that you wont be able to notice if its bugged

also TIL igdb can be used as press kit


  1. also my adhd life quality went a lot better since i started drinking coffee
  2. [6:54 AM]kinda wish i did so 50 years earlier

its kinda a mess lol

EDF oc speaks in EDF!nese

WINTER GAMES EXPO 2024 Application - Dec 4th Thank you for your submission! We're excited to review your game and get back to you with our decision. Happy developing until then!


  1. twitter cannot handle the bit rate...


rout call

gimme a final check list pre-release: 

Most important:

Mentally prepare to delay the game again


Finish the story flowchart draft,then finish the story

Figure out what CG I need,then find someone to do it

Finish the gameplay levels(around 10?) and also boss fight


setup landmines for TE

more QA

buy and install the localization plugin

finish the jam game then put it into main game as bonus stage

important but can be dropped/post-release if really needed:


true ending+TLB

Leave to next game:

redesign characters

new character sprites 

new character design 1 and 2

great way to end the dev log,also mfw i still havnt finished the jam game...


tutorial_v9423.zip 304 MB
62 days ago

Get A2C:Ayry seems to be playtesting a 2D runner shooter from Cci(demo)

Download NowName your own price


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huh the discord link pictures died so fast

also maybe try the lighting engine if it comes out early enough

also  write funni meta article about game
