v8247 dev log

  1. classic flag 
  2. also gonna have to stop handle2 from running on room switch otherwise it crashes

  1. need more firework on screen

skeb gacha! https://skeb.jp/requests/1736435

i keep forgetting to eat pudding in fridge


gonna have to move the line in every current vn object into the intizae sciprt for easy editing (edited)

  1. 99
  2. [9:28 AM]smal lag spikes when the engine loads a new sprite?

disabled the typewriter effect and make the text just show instantly because well i feel like the text scrolling really fast affects the players pace subconciously

lag might be related to the sprite fading out effect from changing sprites

  1. big shame
  2. [5:12 PM]would have prefered the emotes being created by an artist with vn experience
  1. day 1 of looking for suitable artists on fiver
  2. [4:23 AM]not that i have idea what suitable is

i guess i will chuck all the sprites into pre loading?

day 2

i sent the wrong email to a company with similar name damn

  1. >nap in winter
  2. [9:24 AM]>5 hour nap


  1. marco saves fps got it
  2. [2:57 AM]if you use a macro in an if-statement, if could be the case that the entire if-statement can be evaluated whe compiling the game. This means the if-statement might literally not exist at runtime, leading to significant performance boosts.
  3. [3:01 AM]also speaking of that,i think my game doesnt even save the option settings
  4. [3:01 AM]is there anything important that needs to be saved thr

day 4.5

  1. day no idea
  2. [9:44 AM]dam this is kinda good and cheap

  1. i mean i was gonna wait for foxy's lighting enigne but hey this is so cheap another option wont hurt

write letter

welcome to the classic i have no idea what i want either

cant tell what is and isnt AI anymore

wee woo wee woo

not sure if i want to exclude some sprites that wont be used or just briandead load them all

sprite_prefetch doesnt work on html5 thr pepega moment



  1. game freezed around 3 to 5 second just from loading all the cci sprites kek
  2. [8:25 AM]13 sec with both the sprites
  1. nothing wrong here
  2. [8:33 AM]guess i will have to figure out how to only load the sprites that will be used in a scene

interestingly theres lag spikes when loading sprites on the newground html5 version but its not very obvious

  1. i should probaly assign the sprites into a texture group and make them auto crop too

which was happening in the html5 version before i set the texture page to 8096x8096


no idea what dynamic texture does but it seems like the better option

feels like i stil lhave to go back to plan A detect and only load the sprites that wil be used

this also solves the lag spike but the price is unaffordable

  1. things actually seem ok in 4k too wait is the culrpit the hd door
  2. [12:02 PM]the door is only 1433x3000 thr
  3. [12:03 PM]but it only lag spiked during the door sequence thr

solo pre fetch the door

  1. should probably unload them at room end too

  1. the lag spike ended up being acceptable when i set the texture page to 4096x4096 and pre fetch only a few sprites the sprite dosent seem to be downscaled despite being 3200x5300 so i guess thats it for now
  2. [12:24 PM]plan a gets to go hibernatation

  1. its lag spiking again in 1-10 wwwwwwwwwwwww
  2. [8:16 AM]also it somehow broke the camera next stage
  3. [8:18 AM]the other fun thing is it only breaks after 1-10

quick saving then quick loading anywhere broke it somehow

i am just gonna diable the camear persisting between rooms and spawn a new room every new room

  1. at this point i suspect that its not ppfx confllcintg with vngen but it was the camera all along

massive ram increase after force changing rooms with command

  1. i mean vngen did say i should exit the room with the vngen commands thr

also either the windows manager is lying or the gamemaker debugger is lying about the ram usage

no more memeory leaks

  1. also no more brekaing the nomral rooms too

guess i should update ppfx

nothing seem to have broken rad

  1. html5 error still here
  2. [11:51 AM]dam


good news 

i figured out the issue and i can be pretty sure its a problem from the library 

bad news

 library maker taking a break for surguery

  1. anyway i am successful hotfix man now

  1. year 300 of trying to deal with funny dandruff/dry scalp/whatever it actullay is:
  2.  could it have been all these years of rinsing with hot water destorying my scalp? (edited)

time to unbox the gacha

for some reaons the emotes arent moving when opened in photos,scared 1/4 da shit outta me


  1. installu

  1. we just violent shove the new assets into the old ones

try again with interp

  1. import and test the rest


i just hate even the concept of assets scaling down and looking not as good

aside the speech bubble ones being larger than others things look pretty fine

  1. 256x256 -> 187x187

a bit righter and all good


above:resize from fiver man

  1. below:resize with gamemaker

  1. and an old issue of vngen where the player cant progress the text until the emote animation is finished when the emote is set to not loop
  2. [1:44 AM]lets see if i can do sth about it

time to clean up

  1. since i made the vn text appear instantly,player have no need to activate skip event to show all text(triggering it also cuts out all emote animation),so the emote animation cant get cutted when playing now
  2. [2:33 AM]so time to uncomment that code now that its only creating another bug
  3. [2:37 AM]just need to throw the asset on itch and redo the trailer now after adjusting the position for the emotes




AMD yes

https://booth.pm/en/items/4112016 dont think i will need this but its cool

i think thats enough music really

  1. oh theres also like 3 new manbo tracks

the current one is pretty messy and replace the player obj with a different player obj

  1. i think i will upload a new demo version first

theres also code that the orginal obj_palyer dont have

what if i add shockwave on railgun fire

  1. being born of an era where theres cool assets everywhere feelsgoodman

this one seems pretty easy to rgb-ify

  1. anything is a upgrade atm
  2. [11:18 PM]the current thing its just this then it gets rgbed

also the game isnt show the lower 2 pixel because of the origin

i think i will keep the current one

redo this stage and 1-3

  1. the sacrifice of the great youtuber shal not be forgotten

maybe its time for the good old trick where we call easy mode as normal mode

  1. black enemies too op plz nerf
  2. [11:50 AM]everytime someone suffers from my game,it becomes better

  1. summary:
  2. [11:58 AM]gun meachnic cool
  3. [11:58 AM]but its not really a good idea to push it too hard where it becomes a precision platformer(or even get close to that in the first place) (edited)
  4. [11:59 AM]the meachnic isnt that accurate
  5. [12:01 PM]kinda want feedback on music but as the anime say sometimes good music just blends into the game and its unnoticeable

  1. might also want to consider mutiple ghosts in the tutorial because the player is skipping past them
  2. [6:57 PM]something interesting is that the player stop shooting when it was the middle black rectangels part

  1. the tutoria lmini boss also isnt falshing white for some reaosn
  2. [7:08 PM]also feels liek that that everyone loves going fast

  1. its also the classic thing of where for the dev is super easy to do the precise movements
  2. [11:59 PM]not to mention my experience in gaming just amkes me good
  3. [11:59 PM]but the player who lacks the perspective and expereince of a dev point will encounter massive trouble which turns into frustration

  1. a parkour game does not need puzzles (edited)
  2. [12:06 AM]1-3 is kinda like Hurdle and the player is a new born being who have never tried hurdle before 
  3. one of the parts also requrie the player to do a new move where the player holds left to buy enough time to raise enough height for one of the hurdles (edited)

i dont like loops

 its here,fire it over to fiverman

what is this magic

  1. where is the pencil tool...

should the skrit be longer:thinking:

unrelated but this is the kind of hairstyle that looks better with thin lineart

  1. good damn it deepdl

nerf nerf nerf

not sure if i want to do sth about tihs

messed up and dleted the entire room,time to recover it from the github

not quite sure what to do with 1-8

  1. i feel like cursed at being experienced and control the palyer like the back of my hand
  2. [9:36 AM]its just feel so natural and easy to me
  3. [9:39 AM]its hard for someone who is breathing naturally to understand why someone have trouble learning to breathe

more climbing practice?

damn i did thing where it delteed the entire layer and i cant revert it again

is this too hard? i cant tell any more moment

  1. need more test subjects

  1. gonna also remove the hitbox for the later half ones
  1. theres only one way now
  2. [11:02 AM]time to beat my game in reverse hands
  3. [11:02 AM]damn i am so bad at my own game now
  4. [11:05 AM]cut 2 more blocks out


lazy marketing lets go

another thing is the player was doing so well on the last parts but he had massive trouble with the last part (edited)

  1. is it because he could not tell how long the gap is?
  2. [3:27 AM]for the other 2 kind of obstacles thr the player do only to focus on going up 
  3. but this do be kind of different that you need to be both not too high and not too low i am gonna like increase the gun vertical knockback a little (edited)

btw the game changes stage when the player is out of the camera so...

btw the game changes stage when the player is out of the camera so...

60 to 30

  1. something broke the flash code and nothing is flashing when hit

dont rmb what i changed and now crashes

  1. its obj enemy but i still have no idea how


now this should work on the stickman sprite too

  1. now i can just easy load other alternate player sprite instead of chaning the player object
  1. i playtested my game with a mouse pad on my left leg
  2. [10:11 AM]and i controlled the mouse on my left leg with my left hnad
  3. [10:11 AM]and i controlled keyboard with right hand
  4. [10:11 AM]it was a disater (edited)

i become so bad at my own game wwwwwwwww

nerf,also might a a typ3 of this but ending with slide (edited)

  1. remove this thing because it jebaits the player to shoot it and mess up their boosting


  1. bought it because i am jealous of how good other games look for the 56 billionth time
  2. [12:02 PM]i mean the jealousy goes away so fast but hey thats a pretty good excuse to buy it
  3. [12:02 PM]now the funny gui bar is in the way thr

gonna figure it out tmr

  1. my sleep schulde is broken again and i am sleeping at 12:33pm

sure why not

.......rgb water

for now i guess i will just make the MP(timeslow) bar only appear when in use/recharging

something after the menu room is making the water reflection shift right

  1. cunsurpisnnly its after a VN room
  2. [9:09 AM]i find just not looking at how much that needs be done cool technoir19: it sounds fun just gonna enjoy doing stuff and it will get done like in years

is there some way to reset the water shader

the only thing i know is once it get past this line it starts brekaing the water reflection

enemy here


  1. redo trailer
  2. [11:01 AM]i mean update


guess i will add this one to store screnshots

also gonna update the screenshotts/gif agian

oh hello there

got this one on sec shot

"now is the time life blooms in grand!"

  1. water reflection looks worse when in a static cshot
  2. [11:09 AM]shockwaves doesnt help either

record new gifs

if theres west

the average design quality imo is higher in the east


  1. i forgot to add the ppfx rain diplacement effect (edited)
  2. [5:28 AM]also remind me that the fog effect also exists


  1. feels kinda laggy
  2. [6:27 AM]gamemaker burning cpu for some reaosn again
  1. hm i forgot to post to indie gaming because r/indiegame eixcsts
  2. [7:37 AM]ah right cant post direct videos there
  3. [7:38 AM]need to upload youtube

https://vxtwitter.com/VF_traveller/status/1749951986609562057 (edited)

accounting  update

`steam fee:

100 usd


30 bucks


30 bucks(i promised to donate 20 bucks everytime a new effect is added but i wont count that into the budget

foxy's transition engine:

15 usd

foxy's watter reflection:

10 usd




3 playtests:26 usd+10usd 

gamemaker subscription fee:

too lazy to count,probably around 29.5 usd

movie editor software:


VN character art(design fee included):

100 usd (cci)

+100 usd (arange)

+150 usd (yunia) +140 vn b design 

+100 usd (emotion+pose expansion pack)

+218 usd (yunia2) 

+70 usd (outfit skeb redesign)

Animated emotes for VN:

190 usd

VN adopt:

210 usd(tenko)

240 usd(u4 sagi)

red sprite pack:


pixel background art:

probably around 5 usd

mi3li art(capsule art):

22 +20 usd

laser beam:


WOW sounds subscirption(6 months)

70 usd

dark fantasy studio (music/sfx bundle):

25 usd 

new total:


anime was an mistake

ojisan,this is gundam da

  1. will it break on html5 thr

  1. the thing is compresed stream force audio group to the default (audiogroup_default) so i geuss i will only put music in that group and call it a day

the colors are really soothing

  1. i like the style (edited)

  1. alternative sphere is cool game
  2. [10:08 AM]please play

  1. i am still sad that the group disbanded to today
  2. [10:17 AM]life is full of pity,but is it not life without pity?
  3. [10:18 AM]and here i am doing something the past me would have never thought i would be doing
  4. [10:19 AM]it is because the future is unpredictable,so it can be called the future
  5. [10:19 AM]gather up the resolve,and head straight forward

updated the emote ref floder

  1. now also the vn trialer

  1. gonna need to sfx sfx for sweating and qmark

trim cut enhance volume

iie !

  1. i can see a A and a KA in there and thats it Image is there a KU too

  1. karaoke
  2. [8:17 AM]fuck

  1. top left = cross + 9 = zu middle = hook = shi lower right = ze it also looks some what similar the the word "word" in chinese (edited)
  2. [8:55 AM]ありがとうございました~~!!
  3. [8:58 AM]A ? ka? ? u go za i ke shi ?
  1. a ri ga to go za musu? (edited)
  2. [9:05 AM]hello? what happened to things following the T series (edited)

  1. cross + O = ta
  2. [9:08 AM]cross + reverse c = chi
  3. [9:08 AM]reverse c = tsu
  4. [9:08 AM]whatever this shit is = te
  5. [9:09 AM]L c = to (edited)
  6. [9:11 AM]i will just call te = one c
  7. why

wow alien symbols

nu gundam

here we go

damn these symbols getting more alien and alien

man ka

looks theres a r in the RU

wow monee

  1. frustration comes from a setback of lost progress
  2. [5:53 AM]in other wrods
  3. [5:54 AM]the frustration is minilizaed when you respawn right at where you were
  4. [5:54 AM]remind me to ask the playtester guy if the stages are too long
  1. in other other words
  2. [6:02 AM]consider spliting up stages

daisukete eirin

ore wa ni hon nese up hand

very gomen,anita no read again desu ka?

rah means rah

  1. alternate option:
  2. [9:52 PM]instead of health bar
  3. [9:52 PM]knock the player leftwards to the wall of doom and make it so the wall of doom instant kills the player
  4. [9:52 PM]the issue would be that the player might mostly just bum rush thr all the bullets

why is shi+ya/yu/yo differnt from others

i dont think so but ok

the drawing for new out fits isnt here yet and wont be for a good time but the fiver coupon code gonna expire soon so


back to fixing the stages to be more friendly and acceisble

can i throw this back to obj_player to handle it

  1. and should i?
  2. [7:33 AM]need to detect if player is in a slide state instead of checking if the sprite is is a sliding sprite


true to false

oh theres actualyl a death sprite

  1. now that complicates things al ittle

  1. brb getting sprites from gmtk48 mawio party project

  1. gonna have to set sprite fps instead of chaning image_speed because of multiple sprites
  1. more editing the settings to be universal
  2. [9:00 AM]ah the menu version of the obj_palyer needs to be upgraded too

nothing wrong here

  1. ""Hi IT, Gary here with Kickstarter Support, following up our last message from July 2023. There was an issue with the transfer of your project's funds. The funds were returned by your bank after our attempted payout and are now being held securely in Kickstarter's account."

  2. [3:00 AM]roger Gary,thank Gary (edited)


too introverted to continue the conversation during last july

  1. vn object lasting over a room? what
  2. [5:44 AM]oh its just the log object having persistent property

turn on the raindrop dispalcement thingy before i forget agin

its kinda too distacting

  1. guess i will only throw it at the stages with enough nothing
  2. [6:14 AM]back to reviewing the local disabled game dev from mars play tests his game.mp3
  3. [6:16 AM]got stuck at this stage for like 8 minutes

  1. the earlier parts can be brute forced somewhat
  2. [6:17 AM]but the damage from the red block+black block is too much and insta kills

  1. the amount of precise control required at this part is relatilvey super high
  2. [6:23 AM]1.go up but not too high 
  3. 2.switch from shooting upwards to downwards in the meanwhile keeping hold left while timing it so you enter the elevtaor go down seueqnce at the right itme
  4.  then release left then go back to holding left once you enter the elevator shaft 
  5. while also swap from shooting downwards while upwards also the player dont fly forever so they have to do all of that fast

so i think i will just remove the second brick shooter

  1. does the player know how to do the slow down fly high trick? (edited)
  2. [6:36 AM]i mean 1-3 that teaches it is kinda brute forceable
  3. [6:38 AM]also nerfed the brick fire rate
  4. [6:38 AM]time slow is supposed to be a assist tool
  5. [6:39 AM]not a mandatory tool
  1. and thne the last stage took another 8 minute
  2. [7:00 AM]aiming is hard when you are disabled
  3. [7:00 AM]i will nerf the spawn rate of the blue squares a little and see how future playtesters (which does not exist)do

now it spawns a wave every 5.1s instead of 5s

  1. now i realise i dont have a sweat.sfx and chatty.sfx too (edited)
  2. [9:00 AM]sweat should be easy
  1. upgraded the vn 1-6
  2. [9:20 AM]just 1-10 left now and finish the demo story now
  3. [9:20 AM]then send to fiver man

  1. tfw fiver man not at home and coupon expiring
  2. [11:09 AM]also the playtesting fiverman doesnt do palytesting anymore so gotta find a new one

upgraded 1-10,just need to finish the last part of it

lmao i just beat it while briandead holding right

at this rate i have no choice but raid first and explina later(exiring coupon)

  1. and the custom order came as soon as i raided ahaha
  2. [7:10 AM]so like the coupon only applied to half of it
  3. [7:10 AM]ahaha

  1. lets just get this over with
  2. [7:13 AM]i am gonna get myself drunk with coke first
  3. [7:14 AM]the price of drafts and inexperience

i am blind so its even more important for the artist to be professional and knows what they are doing and be able to suggest whats better and whats not

the price of inexperience,litteraly

rush b

pretty sure they mixed up these two

just 70 more albums to go

should i just copy this to the steam store descirption lol

ahaha just a few hundered more tracks into the game wont hurt right

this is going to be a massive pain in the tukkun japanese simulator 2024

damn they threw the villian off the cliff

tfw no hiragana in there

what the game crashed

  1. day 303003030 of wondering if headphpone is too tight or not
  2. [10:05 PM]gonna go from 7-7 to 6-8 to 7-8

early half:dark gothic mysterious 

later half:back to emotional intense we go


received feedback that says music too loud on start up might be that thing i messed earlier

cant go wrong with this

day 300000000340340 of suffering from Facial Dandruff 

good news is now i actaully know whos the artist

opps forgot to cancel the sub and got billed

  1. guess time to helldive2
  2. [8:49 AM]also remind me to look at playtest(small)

  1. guess time to helldive2
  2. [8:49 AM]also remind me to look at playtest(small)

feels better without a background

hm pockets


tutorial_v8247 311 MB
80 days ago

Get A2C:Ayry seems to be playtesting a 2D runner shooter from Cci(demo)

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