The developer has not uploaded a game yet...

Special thanks to Sidorakh for the workaround

game jam2:

 "Good artists copy the sky, Great artists steal the sun"

now 80% done(wdym the first stage is garabage)


somewhere in Nosolute

theres an alien invasion going on

for some reason,the aliens decided to be in your way to treasure hunting,instead of focusing their effort on the 3 nations

guess its time for pointless murder again...

resource consumed:

1 can of co3

X hours of edf6

1 article for the main game

game jam1:

unfinished but thats game jam games for you

resource consumed:

2 can of koihee

[7:10 AM]1 bag of fruit gummy

1 tabinoki  revival stream 

1 morning anxiety

1. lunch(ordered but not ate)

12 hours of edf 6

  1. 0030 edf to 0130 Image 
  2. still have 1.5 hour 
  3. should be enough edf6,activate
  4. [12:27 AM]also eat lunch

1 unfinished lunch

man last minute build and sumbit again

this isnt good for my  heart


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it's pretty. really pretty, even if ur killing amogus.