v8849 devlog
and its everyone fav html5 porting time with loads of bugs again
- lets remove all text draw first and see if it works
- [8:11 AM]the other thing is water reflection dont work on html5 which sucks
- lasers desync on html5
music not playing in html5 but the it palys in vn segments
- the dfirernt betwen is that the vn music is compressed not streamed
- [9:07 AM]while the others are streamed
tbh i can just maek it all not streamed for html5 builds since i should be never touching thmer agian
- catched a bug that happens only if you dont die i nthe tutorial at all
- [1:14 PM]something i wouldnt catch if i didnt do a full paly
- the lasers also for some reason doesnt get loaded at the right time,might be related
- [10:13 AM]the last stage also have some of the spawner squares eaten html5 (edited)
- [10:17 AM]the laser desync on first round but mange to catch up and resync it seems
- i am just gonna band aid fix it and make some of the lasers just disppaern in html5
- [10:39 AM]ended up fixing one of the stage by reseting the laser on/off time to default on this thing
- [10:39 AM]hopefully no side effects
- as for stage 13
- [10:47 AM]i can delete some of the later lasers but they are stil desynced
- [10:47 AM]or i can just shove some hp onto the player
- [10:49 AM]or just disable the lasers
maybe this will do the trick
spwaners just outright vanish for some reaons on stage 15,gonna move them right a bit
ngl i may want to consider makign the game free so i can kickstart it
i can afford to make it free just that it means i wont get much funds for dev of next game
funnily i set the same thing twice on the player obect,one outside the statmeachine and one inside,surpinsgly no bug came from that until i need to edit the jump height now
- i have made the decision its all or nothing
- [7:46 AM]make or break
- [7:48 AM]dont feel so good right now but gamemaker!.mp3
wait a minute does that mean i have to make the html5 version of the full game too since its free now
- reduze html5 size and fix html5
- [5:32 AM]so theres tengu
- [5:32 AM]what about a ground version of them
ts 669 mb zipped and 900 mb zipped for some reasons
- 341 mb of graphic texture 558 mb of sound and music kek
export visula novel sprite as package
delte them
export html5 demo
PNG crash is amaze
616 mb in zip and 633 mb unzipepd interesting
lul guess not
- remind me to set music back to streamed after html5 stuff are done
- [8:21 PM]the textures went from like 341 mb to 64 mb now\
kinda feel like opening all those assetpacks now
- weather good,buy chair today
bah,trasncation limit got me good
no wonder it sounds familir
- never looked at the artist list for PT for some reason
- [10:54 AM]or i did and i forgot about it half way
the website gets laggy fast on chrome
- will it be useful?no idea
- am i tempted as a horader?yes
no idea what am doing
demon's pact
- damn the laser object created makes this harder
- [8:17 AM]i guess i will just pass the is aimed laser flag into the laser itself and make it aim the palyer there
nope the aiming is behind and doesnt update in real time
- get scold for aim spread not exisintg outside there
i love cheating
- >disabled the bullet wrigginling in stages that require precision
- [3:58 AM]maybe i should jut give the hit scan laser
>made the player bullet hit box even larger
lets add one more line of outline for enemy bulelts to because why not
lasers dont die when off scren
or not fast enough
how do i make sure the player knows the RED ones fire their lasers much faster
feels like i spend 4 hours out of my 8 hour shift just proscratining and swapping to discord/twitter
- never made a knockbackable version of down walls so here we go
expecation:cool target practice like stage
reality:feels kinda boring
- i want to target practice
- its hard to do in code
- i want to target practice
- its hard to do in code
- i want to target practice
- its hard to do in code
- [6:39 PM]just gonna accept swapping to discord is part of the game dev life now
- [6:40 PM]i am uber procsratiraonr
spagrtheii code... good thing my code is still easy to modify without need to chaning 5 million stuff
turns out the laser not aiming properly was not a feature but a bug
also i uploaded a version with that bug on steam
- hm i cant make the laser line freeze for version B
- [12:03 AM]time to check and my devlog
- hitbox is such a pain
- [12:30 AM]gonna revert and manualy adjust the aiming
- oh right totally forgot this thing existsed
forgot to set the ai box thingy invisble- guess upload new build again
think i am not gonna do it doenst look good despite adjustments
- the rapid flashing is jut horrible
laser dont go dmg suddenly
i see
also broke the rectangles in stage 9
so easy to break something
every time i want to spawn something from above the player i suffer from a lack of proper system to do that
https://www.twitch.tv/imaginary_traveller if you dont have a supervisor just make internet your supervisor
looking for someone to draw ref sheet
- the template room
- [7:08 PM]dont think i will need it but more option never hurts
4 way laser lets go
- markting on reddit gogo
still having trouble with enemy desyncs
since the system now is enemies only activates when in player view
so how to activate stuff outside view has always been a big trouble
day 360000 of figuring out how to make wearing headphone comfortable
obstacle that flys toward the player instead of stand still and waiting the player to pass them
finally the runner part of the game is something now
- feeling extra bad today
- [10:57 AM]eating too full is a mistake
- got a little sick later
so like instead of letting the player choose the diffuclity
[1:45 AM] why dont we just test the player skill evel and choose a diffculity for them then run adaptive diffuciltiy in the back ground
[1:45 AM] then back it up with stuff like actullay let the player choose diffuclity after they die a bunch of times or sth else
- oh i never said its a she did i
- also me: praying so hard it isnt a outdated version full of bugs
- turns out its a link to steam page thank god
dam changed the gravity from 0.1 to 0.3 and my obj player cant go up anymore
- whats the point of sending a anonymous message when i am going to expose myself later for the commission anyway
- ah well whatever
- we got kofi yeah
increase gravity
increased gun knockback too
objective: to increae player control harder
fast moving high shelf blocks
more like evil its more liek can the player even fly high enough to get pass them in time
can do but dont feel like any reason to worth do it
i like how i can work to the point where my mood/sanity goes bad enough that i starts being super negative to stuff
not sure which part of it is likeable but w/e
day 33330 of trying to copy/think up of new enemies/stage patterns
everytime i do the runner part of the game i question my soul about what is a runner,is this a runner?
neon cool
and then i realize there is no way for the player to jump very small in my game
the final part of stage 18 just doenst feel good to look at
- expectaion:laser moves and orbits parent
- reality:door stuc
yeah it was using the old direction which isnt updated,changed it to laser_direction now
- now wth am i going to do with this...
- should have done this 20 years erlaier
- gimmicks gimmicks
- [6:53 PM]make 9 player hit boxes?
- [6:53 PM]doesnt sound fun
- [6:53 PM]enlarge player hitbox?
- [6:53 PM]sounds same
lets gamedev while lunch
- forgot to set music back to streamed
- [7:55 PM]thanks devlog
- the man who will do ref sheet has get it
Get A2C:Ayry seems to be playtesting a 2D runner shooter from Cci(demo)
A2C:Ayry seems to be playtesting a 2D runner shooter from Cci(demo)
Experience a 2d runner shoot em up(shump) with a visual novel story.
Status | Released |
Author | Imaginary Traveller |
Genre | Shooter, Action, Visual Novel |
Tags | 2D, Bullet Hell, Colorful, Runner, Score Attack, Shoot 'Em Up, Side Scroller, Speedrun |
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